About Us


The TOP-Energy® simulation software has been developed at the Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science (GFaI for short) in Berlin since 2003.

Energy and process engineers, software developers, modeling experts, and other scientists provide development, sales, and support.

The simulation software, originating in research projects at RWTH Aachen University, is developed in an independent working group in the GFaI's Graphical Engineering Systems (Graphing) division.

The expansion of the range of functions has been the main focus of development in recent years. Another focus is to make the usability of TOP-Energy® more and more easy and intuitive.

The Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science (German: Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e. V., GFaI for short) is a non-profit research institute in the field of applied computer science.

As a private, modern research institute, we have been supporting our partners in their innovations with industry-oriented and application-oriented research for over 30 years. The more than 150 employees, mostly with engineering and mathematical/scientific backgrounds, develop not only graphical engineering systems such as TOP-Energy®, but also promising solutions in the areas of signal processing (acoustic camera), 3D data processing, and process automation.

Visit the website www.gfai.de